Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Reply to Edward

Thank you for the insightful addition of scientific knowledge to me. You actually remembered and went to find out. Take my hat off you, can really see how much you like to be right..

But the thing says that its effect is of a small magnitude. That means it STILL AFFECTS TO SOME EXTENT. WHy don't you conduct an experiment: pour some water from anywhere of the sink. WE are in the nothern hemisphere. No matter where you pour from, it should go down in anti-clockwise direction.

If it is really so wrong, then why do geography teachers still bother to mention it?

But I must consider the possibility of you being more knowledgeable than geography teachers.


At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fail to see the point. BECAUSE the magnitude is small, it's capacity for influencing the direction of flow becomes limited by the other, aforementioned "random factors" that our resident scientist has been kind enough to elucidate us about. Hence, direction flow as influenced by the Coriolis effect is offset by the other more prominent factors. (read: other factors will influence direction of flow. the effect of the Coriolis effect is unnoticable. for the linguistically-incapacitated and uninitiated.)

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Nanananana I'm not listening said...

Thanks, Anon, but i can fight my own battles, thanks.
Here's a suggestion, why don't you remove that giant, pompous 1916-edition of Webster's out of your rectum, and stay the hell away.
Your sardonic, holier-than-thou attitude towards the "linguistically-incapacitated and uninitiated" just sheds light on how little mommy hugged you when you were a child.
Read: You are a fucktard. Sod off.


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