Saturday, October 13, 2007

chem update

hey ppl..

i've no idea how many of you will read this cos de class blog has been kinda dead..but anw,if you do read this,just to let you know tt the ans for h2 chem nov'06 papers 2 n 3 are with i'll pass it to u all the next time i see u..hopefully on tues cos i dun wanna carry that thick stack around la..hee..

and if u haven't forgotten tt thick stack of ans for nov 01 to 05 papers..well..the qns are not in that stack..(sorry to those who i told u tt de qns are in there..=/)you can buy the chem past yr papers book from our school's bookshop..i think it contains all de papers from '91 to '06..if not,ms liew has kindly offered to let me photocopy the papers from her so that u guys can photocopy from me..but the thing is that i haven't gone to photocopy it from her..i'll try to do that by tues or wed..but if u cant wait tt long,then pls get ur own book from the bookshop or find ur own alternative source..=P erm actually ms liew suggested tt i send a copy of the papers to the photocopying shop n print all of u a copy..but i guess it'll be quite a thick stack (and therefore cost quite alot) so i dun think its a gd idea..besides,not everyone will want all the papers..

hm..i'm beginning to think that my post will be unread by most of you..but nvm..jiayou muggin,'ll be over before u realise it..=P



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